Principality of Zeon
A spacenoid nation in the Universal Century.
The Principality of Zeon, also known as the Duchy of Zeon and Zeon Dukedom, was a spacenoid nation in the Universal Century that emerged from the Republic of Zeon in UC 0068.
The Principality fought against the Earth Federation in the devastating One Year War of UC 0079–0080.
Founding of the Republic
The Earth Federation leadership favoured the interests of Earth territories more as the Federation was based on Earth. The lack of representation for the space colony and the lack of concern for the colonists meant that the colonies suffered under the Federation’s policies.
The colony cluster Side 3 at Lagrange Point 2 declared independence from the Federation in UC 0058. It was named the Republic of Zeon, after its founder Zeon Zum Deikun. it was founded on the ideals of independence from Earth Federation rule and Contolism, a philosophy advocating for human migration into space.
The Principality of Zeon represented the interests of space colonists. The Federation applied economic pressure on the Republic in an attempt to force Side 3 back into the Federation.
When the Republic’s founder, Zeon Zum Deikun, fell gravely ill in UC 0068, he uttered only the name Degwin Zabi on his deathbed. This was interpreted as Deikun naming Degwin as his successor, leading to a significant shift in the political landscape of Side 3.
Rise of the Principality
Upon assuming leadership, Degwin Zabi adopted the title of Sodo, which meant Lord, and renamed the nation the Principality of Zeon. He argued that armed conflict was the only way to maintain independence from the Federation’s economic pressure. This stance ushered in an era of rapid militarisation in preparation for a confrontation with the Federation., with resources being poured into the development of advanced weaponry and mobile suits.
To consolidate power, Degwin appointed his children to key military and political positions. His eldest son, Gihren Zabi, became Admiral and later took over Degwin’s role as Supreme Commander of the Zeon Armed Forces. Dozle Zabi, the second son, was made Vice Admiral and Commander of the Zeon Space Attack Force. Kycilia Zabi, his daughter and third child, was appointed Rear Admiral and shared command of the Space Attack Force. This led to regular conflicts between the Dolze and Kycilia, especially when Dolze was based in Side 3 while Kycilia operated out of the lunar city Granada.
The youngest, Garma Zabi, was appointed Captain and given command of the Zeon Earth Attack Force. This nepotistic approach to governance ensured the Zabi family’s tight control over the Principality’s military and political affairs.
Zeon’s increasing militarisation spurred the Federation to strengthen its military in response. The escalating tensions culminated in inevitable conflict when the Principality declared war on the Federation on 3 January UC 0079, marking the start of the One Year War.
Start of One Year War
Main article: One Year War
The tensions between Zeon and the Earth Federation culminated in the outbreak of the One Year War on 3 January UC 0079. The conflict began with Zeon’s declaration of war and subsequent surprise attacks on the Federation’s capital in space, Side 1 Zarn, along with Side 2 Hatte and Side 4 Mua, demonstrating the Principality’s willingness to use overwhelming force against civilian targets.
Having gained the upper hand with the element of surprise, Zeon turned their attention to Earth territories with the infamous Operation British, a plan to drop a colony from either Side 2 or Side 4 on Earth. Zeon forces succeeded in using a colony as a weapon, however an unexpected explosion altered the trajectory of the colony, causing it crash in Sydney, Australia instead of the Earth Federation’s capital Lhasa. The impact caused billions of casualties and irreparable damage to Earth’s ecosystem.
Zeon Space Attack Force was intercepted by Earth Federation Space Forces at Side 5 Loum, where Zeon forces attempted seizing a colony to drop on Lhasa. Both sides engaged in indiscriminate use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons to bring a quick end to the war. The Battle of Loum caused the deaths of 3 billion people in the first week of war from 3 January to 10 January, later known was the One Week Battle.
Heavy casualties on both sides in the Battle of Loum forced the Federation and the Principality to agree on a truce. The Federation had been demoralised by the losses suffered since the start of the war and the devastation on Earth. Admiral Gihren’s threat of dropping Luna II on Jaburo convinced the Federation accept defeat.
Federation and Zeon representatives were to convene and negotiate the terms of the Federation’s surrender. However, General Johann Abraham Revil’s timely rescue from Zeon captivity by Federation agents and Zeon traitors ensured that he revealed Gihren’s bluff before the Federation surrendered. Revil made his famous speech stating that Zeon was exhausted like the Federation and was in no position to make demands in a Federation surrender.
Antarctic Treaty
The situation forced the Federation and the Principality to sign the Antarctic Treaty on 31 January 0079, agreeing to ban the use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destructions, and colony drops. The treaty also detailed the treatment of prisoners of war and the neutrality of colonies that chose to stay out of the conflict.
The signing of the Antarctic Treaty moved the war into a new phase. The Principality was forced to invade Earth to secure resources they needed for the war efforts.
Garma Zabi led the Zeon Earth Attack Force in the Earth invasion. The Federation Forces was ill-equipped to deal with the superiority of Zeon mobile suits. By the middle of UC 0079, Zeon controlled more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, including the Federation’s California Base which became Zeon’s base of operations.
The Federation was able to devise new battle tactics to take down Zeon mobile suits. Vital intelligence that Revil brought back gave the Federation a better picture of the situation in Zeon and boosted the Federation morale. The war hung on a balance as both sides scrambled to acquire war resources.
Turning points
Despite the stalemate, Zeon victory was regarded as inevitable due to their superior mobile suit technology. The Federation knew they had to retaliate with weapons of similar or better capabilities. The Federation was pursuing a top secret Project V to develop mobile suits and an advanced assault carrier to turn the tide of war.
The discovery of Project V alarmed the Principality as they had been leading in the technology and development of mobile suits. A strike force was dispatched to capture or destroy the Project at Side 7. However, the Zeon forces was defeated and the ship, codenamed Trojan Horse escaped.
Early engagements with the new Federation mobile suits revealed that they were more power and advanced compared to Zeon’s existing mobile suits. Zeon forces continued to pursue the ship and mobile suits. Unfortunately, the Federation mobile suits proved to be too much for Zeon forces to handle, ultimately causing the death of Garma, as well as veteran ace pilots such as Rambal Ral and the Black Tri-Stars.
The death of Garma on 4 October UC 0079 was an important turning point in the war. Degwin Zabi was overcome by grief over the death of his youngest son and started to consider ending the war peacefully with the Federation. However, Gihren Zabi’s machinations had given him command over the Principality and his father was a mere figurehead. He used Degwin’s softening stance to seal his grip on power, giving an inspirational speech at Garma’s funeral ceremony to push Zeon to fight for victory.
The Federation started deploying mass-produced mobile suits in the battle fronts. The death of Garma left a vacuum in the Zeon Earth Attack Force command and the Federation took advantage of the inadequate leadership to push back Zeon forces on Earth. Operation Odessa on 9 November UC 0079 gave Federation a vital victory that sparked the collapse of the support infrastructure of Zeon’s Earth forces.
Zeon Earth Attack Force retaliated by assaulting the Federation’s military headquarters at Jaburo on 30 November UC 0079. Although Captain Char Aznable led a successful attack to breach Jaburo, the operation ended in failure due to the lack of supplies and resources. Zeon decided to cut their losses and ordered its Earth forces to return to space, further shifting the balance of power.
Fall of Solomon
The Federation had witnessed the turning the tide of war on Earth and was keen to push the momentum into space territories. Zeon forces regrouped in space at the asteroid base of Solomon at Lagrangian Point 5 in anticipation of a Federation assault.
Dolze Zabi was confident that the Zeon Space Attack Force was invincible. Due to his differences with his sister Kycilia, Dolze was reluctant to request for support from Zeon space forces under ther command at Granada. However, he received the MA-08 Big Zam as reinforcement to Solomon’s defence.
The addition of the Big Zam was not enough. Despite Dolze’s confidence, Solomon’s defence was no match for the Earth Federation Space Forces. Dolze perished in battle along and the Federation forces captured Solomon.
The death of his second son and the loss of Zeon’s space stronghold Solomon crystalised Degwin’s conviction to making peace with the Federation. However, he was acutely aware of the opposing views and ideals of his eldest son Gihren.
Death of Degwin
Gihren had moved beyond the goal of achieving independence from the Federation. He wanted to destroy all human life on Earth to allow the people of Side 3 to rule on Earth. Degwin left Side 3 to meet General Revil for peace negotiations before the Federation’s assault on Zeon’s final line of defence.
Aware that his father was plotting against him, Gihren ordered the firing of Zeon’s secret super weapon, the Solar Ray System, on 30 December UC 0079 when Degwin was to meet with Revil. The colony laser tore through a third of the Federation’s fleet along with the ships of Degwin and Revil.
Gihren commanded the defence of Zeon’s space fortress A Baoa Qu as the Federation attacked to prevent the colony laser to be fired again. Kycilia arrived and executed her brother for the patricide She then took command of A Baoa Qu to continue the defence against the Federation assault.
Defeat of the Principality
Kycilia noticed the unusually heavy losses suffered by her forces and discovered that Zeon had been deploying pilot cadets as they did not have enough fully trained pilots. She knew that the battle was lost and ordered for her ship to be readied for departure, while the remaining Zeon forces would surrender once her escort group had left. However, her orders were never issued as the command centre had been captured by Federation forces by then. Char took advantage of the situation and killed Kycilia.
With both commanders of the Zeon Space Attack Force dead, the Zeon forces were in disarray. Some officers ordered the ships under their command to flee while others remained to make the last stand.
After the Federation captured A Baoa Qu, the Principality of Zeon finally surrendered on 14 January UC 0080 with the Treaty of Granada. This brought an end to the Principality’s brief but impactful existence as an independent nation.
Republic and Remnants
Following the war, the Principality was dissolved, and the Zeon forces disbanded. The citizens of Side 3 formed their own government and re-established the Republic of Zeon under Federation oversight. The Republic was widely regarded as a puppet government under Federation influence.
However, the ideals and ambitions of Zeon lived on through various Neo Zeon movements and remnant forces. These groups continued to pursue Zeon’s goals of spacenoid independence and Earth Sphere domination well into the late UC 0090s.
Remnant Zeon loyalists continued to wage guerilla war against the Federation. Some remnant forces grouped together, such as the Delaz Fleet, Axis Zeon, Neo Zeon, and Mars Zeon.
The Delaz Fleet, led by Aiguille Delaz, was deployed to defend A Baoa Qu during the war. When news of Gihren’s death at the hands of Kycilia reached the fleet, Delaz ordered the fleet to retreat from A Baoa Qu. The fleet settled in a shoal zone formed from debris of Side 5, which was destroyed in the Battle of Loum, and set up their headquarters the Garden of Thorns.
After reorganising and recovering from the war, the Delaz Fleet initiated guerrilla warfare against the Federation on 15 August UC 0081. The fleet achieved mobile suits production capability at the Garden in UC 0082. The Delaz Fleet commenced Operation Stardust in UC 0083, stealing Gundam from the Federation forces on Earth and dropping a colony that destroyed extensive arable land in North America.
The Delaz Fleet was betrayed by their allied Zeon remnants led by Colonel Cima Garahau and was subsequently defeated by Federation forces. Survivors of the Delaz Fleet fled to Axis Zeon.
First Neo Zeon Movement
Main article: Neo Zeon
Axis Zeon was made up of Zeon remnants that retreated to the giant asteroid Axis at the end of the One Year War.
The faction returned to the Earth Sphere on 12 October UC 0087 at the height of the Gryps Conflict. Led by Haman Karn, daughter of Admiral Maharaja Karn, Axis Zeon joined the conflict between the Titans and AEUG, siding with the Titans before switching sides to ally with AEUG to weaken both sides in preparation for the Axis Zeon invasion of the Earth Sphere.
Karn used Dolze Zabi’s daughter Mineva Lao Zabi as a figurehead to rally Zeon remants and renamed Axis Zeon as Neo Zeon. This marked the First Neo Zeon Movement to conquer the Earth Sphere.
The emergence of Glemy Toto, a self-proclaimed clone of Gihren Zabi stirred unrest within the ranks of the Neo Zeon and eventually led to a civil war. The deaths of Karn and Toto in the final battle against the AEUG brought an end to the First Neo Zeon Movement.
Second Neo Zeon Movement
Main article: Neo Zeon
The Second Neo Zeon Movement was led by Char Aznable, who revealed his identity as Casval Rem Deikum, son of Zeon Zum Deikum and true heir of the Republic of Zeon. Neo Zeon, torn apart in the first Neo Zeon Movement, united under his leadership in UC 0093 and Char sought to accomplish his father’s goals. First was to remove humanity from Earth to allow the planet to rest and recover. Second being to establish full independence for Spacenoids from the rule of Earth.
The Second Neo Zeon Movement was defeated by the Federation’s Londo Bell task force. With the death of Char, Zeon loyalists were once again scattered without a recognised leadership. In UC 0096, Zeon remnants were united under Full Frontal as The Sleeves. The Sleeves were a lot fewer in numbers compared to previous Zeon factions.
The Republic of Zeon officially rejoined the Earth Federation in UC 0100 after decades of conflict.
Mars Zeon
A group of Zeon remnants fled to Mars after the One Year War and were known as Mars Zeon. They were lated reinforced by remnants of the Second Neo Zeon Movement. Mars Zeon maintained an isolationist policy until UC 0120 when they stole the prototype F90 Gundam F90 from the Federation.
The Federation’s 13th Autonomous Corps pursued the Zeon forces to Mars where they discovered Mars Zeon had converted Martian volcano Olympus Mons into a gigantic rail cannon capable of bombarding Earth. The Federation forces defeated Mars Zeon and destroyed the Olympus Cannon.
Led by Charles Rochester, Mars Zeon forces invaded Earth in UC 0122 with their allies the Crossbone Vanguard but were repelled by the Federation forces.
The Principality of Zeon was an autocratic state ruled by the Zabi family. At its head was Degwin Zabi, who held the position of Sovereign. Degwin appointed his children into important positions to consolidate his power.
However, as the war progressed, his eldest son Gihren Zabi increasingly took control, eventually becoming the de facto leader and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. This power dynamic reflected the internal struggles within the Zabi family and the gradual militarisation of Zeon’s government.
The Zabi family’s rule was characterised by a cult of personality, with propaganda glorifying their leadership and promoting the superiority of Spacenoids over the Earth-born population. This ideology helped to galvanise support for the war effort among the citizens of Side 3, who saw themselves as oppressed by the Earth Federation’s policies.
Administration and bureaucracy
Despite its autocratic nature, the Principality maintained some of the governmental structures of its predecessor, the Republic of Zeon. This included a parliament, although its actual power was limited under Zabi rule. The Principality also had a complex bureaucracy to manage its military-industrial complex and the day-to-day governance of Side 3. This bureaucracy was tightly controlled by the Zabi family and their loyal supporters, ensuring that all aspects of Zeon society were aligned with the ruling family’s vision
The judicial system of the Principality was also heavily influenced by the Zabi family’s authoritarianism. Courts were often used as tools to suppress dissent and eliminate political opponents. The concept of due process was frequently overlooked in favour of swift judgments that supported the state’s interests. This led to a climate of fear and suspicion among the populace, further solidifying the Zabi family’s control.
The Zeon military was a formidable force, divided into several branches to effectively wage war both in space and on Earth. The military’s structure reflected the Principality’s focus on space warfare and its ambitions for Earth conquest. Each branch was led by a member of the Zabi family, ensuring tight control over military operations and fostering a sense of loyalty to the ruling dynasty.
The Zeon Space Attack Force, led by Dozle Zabi, was responsible for space operations and homeland defence. Based at the space fortress Solomon, this branch formed the backbone of Zeon’s military might, fielding advanced mobile suits and warships. The Space Attack Force was further divided into fleets, each assigned to defend specific areas of space or to carry out offensive operations against the Earth Federation. Notable units within this force included the Dozle Fleet and the Ma Kube Fleet.
The Zeon Earth Attack Force, commanded by Garma Zabi, was in charge of Earth-based operations. After initial successes in the invasion of Earth, this force established its headquarters at the captured California Base. It played a crucial role in Zeon’s attempts to secure resources and strategic locations on Earth. The Earth Attack Force was organised into regional commands, each responsible for operations in specific areas of the planet. These included the North American Front, the European Front, and the Asian Front, among others.
Under Kycilia Zabi’s command, the Zeon Mobile Assault Force included intelligence, research and development, and special forces units. Operating from the lunar city of Granada, this branch was responsible for many of Zeon’s technological advancements and covert operations. The rivalry between Kycilia and Dozle often led to conflicts in strategy and resource allocation. The Mobile Assault Force housed several elite units, including the Midnight Fenrir Corps and the Chimera Corps, which were often deployed for high-risk, high-reward missions.
An independent research and development branch, the Zeon Army Engineering Division, was led by Major General Albert Schacht. Based in Side 3, this division was responsible for many of Zeon’s technological breakthroughs, including advancements in mobile suit technology. The Engineering Division worked closely with Zeon’s industrial complex to rapidly prototype and produce new weapons systems. Notable projects included the development of the Psycommu system for Newtype use and various mobile armor designs.
The military hierarchy used a combination of naval and army ranks, with differences between space and ground forces. This complex structure reflected the Principality’s need to operate effectively in multiple theatres of war, from space colonies to Earth’s varied terrains. The rank system was designed to maintain a clear chain of command while allowing for some flexibility in tactical decision-making at lower levels.
Zeon’s military also included specialised units that did not fit in the main branches. These included the Royal Guards, tasked with protecting the Zabi family and other high-ranking officials, and the Cyclops Team, a group of mobile suit pilots who used customised machines for testing new technologies in actual combat situations.
The Principality of Zeon was founded on the principles of spacenoid independence and Contolism, as espoused by Zeon Zum Deikun. Contolism advocated for the migration of humanity into space, arguing that this was the next step in human evolution. It also posited that those born in space would develop into a new type of human, better adapted to the space environment.
Under the Zabi family’s rule, these ideals became intertwined with notions of spacenoid superiority and Earth Sphere domination. The Zabis promoted the view that Spacenoids were more evolved than their Earth-bound counterparts, using this to justify their bid for power. This ideology was used to rally the people of Side 3 behind the war effort, framing the conflict as a struggle for independence and recognition of Spacenoid rights.
A key element of Zeon’s ideological expression was the rallying cry “Sieg Zeon!” The phrase became a ubiquitous slogan throughout the Principality. It was used in political speeches, military communications, and everyday greetings among citizens. It encapsulated the nationalistic fervor and militaristic spirit that the Zabi family sought to instill in the population, serving as a constant reminder of their struggle against the Earth Federation and their aspirations for spacenoid supremacy.
The Principality’s ideology also incorporated elements of fascism and totalitarianism. The Zabi family cult of personality, the emphasis on military strength, and the suppression of dissent were all hallmarks of their rule. This combination of Contolism and authoritarianism created a potent ideological force that continued to inspire Zeon remnants and Neo Zeon movements long after the fall of the Principality.
The economy of the Principality of Zeon was heavily militarised, with a significant portion of its resources devoted to the war effort. The government exercised strict control over economic activities, implementing a planned economy model that prioritised military production over civilian needs. This led to rapid advancements in military technology but often at the cost of civilian welfare.
Zeon’s economy was primarily based on the abundant resources available in the asteroid belt and the technological expertise of its population. The Principality invested heavily in resource extraction operations in space, establishing mining outposts on various asteroids. These operations provided the raw materials necessary for Zeon’s massive military-industrial complex.
The industrial sector of Zeon was dominated by large conglomerates that worked closely with the government. These corporations, such as the Zeonic, Zimmad, and MIP, were responsible for the design and production of mobile suits, warships, and other military hardware. The competition between these companies, while controlled by the state, drove innovation in military technology.
Despite the focus on military production, Zeon also maintained a civilian economy, albeit one that was heavily regulated. Rationing was common, especially as the war progressed and resources became scarce. The government implemented propaganda campaigns to encourage citizens to support the war effort through increased productivity and resource conservation.
Science and technology
Zeon was at the forefront of mobile suit development, introducing revolutionary technologies that changed the face of warfare in the Universal Century. The Minovsky particle, discovered by Zeon scientist Trenov Y Minovsky, became the cornerstone of much of their advanced technology. These particles, when scattered in open space or air, disrupted low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, rendering long-range radar and guided weapons ineffective. This discovery led to the development of the Minovsky Craft System, which allowed for vehicles and structures to float using I-field repulsion.
The Principality’s early lead in mobile suit warfare gave them a significant advantage at the start of the One Year War. The MS-05 Zaku I and its successor, the MS-06 Zaku II, became iconic symbols of Zeon’s military might. These humanoid fighting machines proved far superior to the Earth Federation’s tanks and fighter aircraft, leading to Zeon’s initial victories.
Zeon’s technological advancements weren’t limited to mobile suits. They also developed powerful warships, such as the Musai-class light cruiser and the Gwazine-class battleship. In addition, Zeon created several super weapons during the course of the war, including the MA-08 Big Zam mobile armor and the devastating Solar Ray System.
However, Zeon’s technological edge began to erode as the war progressed. The Earth Federation’s Project V produced mobile suits that could match and even exceed Zeon’s units in performance. Despite this, the legacy of Zeon’s technological innovations continued to influence mobile suit development well beyond the end of the One Year War.
Society and culture
The society of the Principality of Zeon was shaped by its spacenoid identity and the ideology promoted by the Zabi family. The population was imbued with a strong sense of national pride and a belief in their superiority over the Earth-born. This was reinforced through the education system, which emphasised the teachings of Zeon Zum Deikun and the leadership of the Zabi family.
Cultural life in Zeon was heavily influenced by state propaganda. The arts, media, and entertainment industries were all expected to support the state’s ideology and war effort. Despite this, there was a vibrant underground culture, particularly in music and literature, that sometimes subtly critiqued the regime.
The concept of Newtypes, individuals with enhanced mental awareness believed to be the next step in human evolution, played a significant role in Zeon society. The government invested heavily in research to identify and develop Newtype abilities, seeing them as potential super-soldiers who could turn the tide of the war.
Education in Zeon was highly standardised and controlled by the state. The curriculum emphasised scientific and technical subjects, preparing students for roles in the military or the industrial sector. Political indoctrination was also a key component of education, instilling loyalty to the state and the Zabi family from an early age.
The social structure of Zeon was hierarchical, with clear distinctions between the political elite, military officers, civilians, and any Earth-born residents. Social mobility was possible through military service or technological innovation, both of which were highly valued by the state.
Despite the authoritarian nature of the regime, there were pockets of resistance within Zeon society. Some citizens, particularly those who remembered the more democratic days of the Republic of Zeon, quietly opposed the Zabi family’s rule. However, open dissent was rare due to the harsh punishments meted out to those seen as traitors to the state.
Behind the scenes
The Principality of Zeon serves as the primary antagonist faction in the original Mobile Suit Gundam series. Its aesthetic and narrative elements draw inspiration from various historical sources, including Nazi Germany and the Axis powers of World War II. The uniforms, the emphasis on a superior race, Spacenoids instead of Aryans, and the use of blitzkrieg-like tactics all echo this historical parallel.
This slogan “Sieg Zeon” means “Victory to Zeon” in German. The use of “Sieg” rather than its English equivalent was likely chosen to evoke a sense of historical gravitas and to distinguish Zeon culture from that of the Earth Federation.
The character designs for the Zabi family and other Zeon personnel were created by Yasuhiko Yoshikazu, who gave them distinct and memorable appearances that have become iconic in the Gundam franchise. The mechanical designs of Zeon’s mobile suits, crafted by Okawara Kunio, have also left a lasting impact on mecha design in anime and popular culture.
The complex political and ideological background of Zeon was largely developed by Tomino Yoshiyuki, the creator of Gundam. Tomino’s approach to depicting the antagonist faction with depth and nuance, showing both their ruthlessness and their genuine belief in their cause, was revolutionary for its time in the mecha genre. This complexity has made the Principality of Zeon a subject of ongoing discussion and analysis among Gundam fans.
Mobile Suit Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway Mobile Suit Victory Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash
Video games
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs Zeon
External links
- Principality of Zeon on the Gundam Wiki