
MSA-003 Nemo

Mass-produced attack mobile suit developed by Anaheim Electronics.
Jenxi Seow Published 30 Mar 2013 Updated 13 Feb 2025
MSA-003 Nemo

The MSA-003 Nemo was a mass-produced attack mobile suit developed by Anaheim Electronics for the Anti Earth Union Group (AEUG).

“MS” in the type code indicated that it was a mobile suit and “A” meant it was an Anaheim design. The “003” code number meant it was the third design in the line.


The Anti Earth Union Group initially relied heavily on stolen RMS-179 GM II mobile suits and units brought by defecting Earth Federation Forces members. However, AEUG leadership wanted their own mass-produced unit that could surpass the GM IIs used by both the Federation and Titans. They commissioned Anaheim Electronics to develop this new mobile suit.

The Nemo proved to be both capable and versatile, serving throughout the Gryps Conflict. It saw action in many important missions, including the capture of a Federation Salamis Kai-class cruiser and the orbital drop assault on the Titans’ base at Jaburo. As a gesture of alliance, AEUG provided several Nemo units to Karaba.

After AEUG and Karaba were absorbed into the Earth Federation Forces following the Gryps Conflict, their surviving Nemo units were transferred as well. These Nemos continued serving with the Federation through UC 0096, though repainted in new location-specific color schemes. While no longer frontline units by this time, they still saw combat against Zeon remnants during attacks on Dakar and Torrington Base.


Anaheim Electronics based the Nemo closely on the RMS-179 GM II design but made significant improvements to its power output, thrust acceleration, and maneuverability. The Nemo featured an internal movable frame that incorporated data from the development of the RMS-099 Rick Dias and MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki.

The mobile suit’s thrusters were arranged based on the RGM-79SP GM Sniper II, as some of the development staff had worked on that project during the One Year War. This thruster layout, combined with the movable frame, gave the Nemo excellent mobility in various environments including zero gravity, tropical regions, and cold climates.

The Nemo’s armor was made of Gundarium alloy alloy, produced using the same technology as the RMS-108 Marasai. This provided better protection than the GM II’s titanium alloy ceramic composite while remaining cost-effective. To make atmospheric entry possible, the Nemo could be equipped with a ballute system that protected it from friction heat.

The mobile suit featured a standard panoramic cockpit with linear seat in its torso. Its control systems were designed to be relatively easy to use, allowing even less experienced pilots to operate it effectively.


The MSA-003 Nemo’s standard weapons were beam sabers for melee combat and various optional ranged weapons including beam rifles and cannons.

60 mm vulcan guns

A pair of fire-linked vulcan guns were mounted in the Nemo’s head. While having limited offensive power, they were useful for intercepting missiles and suppressing enemy movements due to their high rate of fire. Each gun carried 400 rounds of ammunition.

Beam sabers

The Nemo carried two beam sabers stored in recharge racks in its rear waist armor. These were the same model used by the RMS-099 Rick Dias, with power rated at 0.4 megawatts. The beam sabers used an I-field to contain Minovsky particles within the shape of a blade, allowing them to cut through almost any material.

Beam rifle

The BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 beam rifle was an optional primary weapon, originally designed for the GM II but compatible with the Nemo. It had a power rating of 1.9 megawatts and was powered by an energy capacitor system. The Nemo’s superior power supply allowed it to use this weapon more effectively than the GM II.

170 mm cannon

This cannon was developed as a successor to the 180 mm cannon from the One Year War. Despite its reduced caliber, it offered improved range and power. The weapon featured a top-mounted trigger grip and forward grip for stability.


The Nemo’s shield was developed using the RGM-79G GM Command’s curved shield as reference. It could switch between expanded and collapsed states for improved usability. The shield’s surface had an anti-beam coating for protection against beam weapons, and its edges were sharpened for use in melee combat.

Known pilots

  • Katz Kobayashi
  • Fa Yuiry
  • Rosamia Badam
  • Asuna Elmarit
  • Sophie Ferrell
  • Jack Bayard


Behind the scenes

Fujita Kazumi was the original mechanical designer for the Nemo in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Katoki Hajime later redesigned it for Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn.



  • Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
  • Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
  • Gundam Build Divers


  • Advance of Zeta: The Traitor of Destiny
  • Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Side Story: Mirage of Zeon
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Ecole du Ciel
  • Double Fake: Under the Gundam
  • Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 1/2 UC 0087: Another Story
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Climax UC: The Woven Web of a Bloodline
  • Gundam Legacy
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Walpurgis

Video games

  • Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: AEUG vs Titans
  • Mobile Suit Gundam: Advanced Operation
  • Mobile Suit Gundam: The Return of Zeon
  • Dynasty Warriors Gundam
  • Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2
  • Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
  • Gundam Versus