Episodes in

Episodes in

Mobile Suit Gundam
Overview of Mobile Suit Gundam episodes.

Originally planned as a 52-episode series, Mobile Suit Gundam was reduced to 43 episodes due to poor viewership when it aired on Nagoya Broadcasting Network between 7 April 7 1979 and 26 January 1980 as weekly episodes.

English dub

The English version premiered in the United States on Cartoon Network’s Toonami programing block between 23 July 23 2001 and 12 September 2001 as a daily episode on week days.

Episode 15 was not broadcasted in English and was omited from the North American DVD at the request of Tomino. Episode 38 was skipped due to the September 11 attacks. In the aftermath of the attack, Cartoon Network began pulling war-themed content and violent programming, resulting in the cancellation of the series after Episode 39.

The final episode premiered on Toonami’s “New Year’s Evil” special presentation on 31 December 2001. The unaired episodes were broadcasted in the reruns of the series in 2002.


EpisodeTitleOriginal airdateEnglish airdate
1”Gundam Rising"
"Gandamu Daichi ni Tatsu!!” (ガンダム大地に立つ!!)
7 April 197923 July 2001
When Zeon mobile suits attacked Side 7, civilian Amuro Ray discovered the Earth Federation’s new prototype mobile suit, the RX-78-2 Gundam, in his father’s research facility. With no choice but to fight, Amuro piloted the Gundam to defend the colony and its civilians, marking his first encounter with Char Aznable.
2”Destroy Gundam"
"Gandamu Hakai Meirei” (ガンダム破壊命令)
14 April 197924 July 2001
During the evacuation of Side 7, Amuro engaged in his first real battle against Char Aznable. The civilian refugees and surviving Federation personnel boarded the assault carrier White Base, while Char’s forces attempted to destroy the Gundam and capture the new Federation warship.
3”Vote to Attack"
"Teki no Hokyūkan o Tatake!” (敵の補給艦を叩け!)
21 April 197925 July 2001
The White Base crew faced a difficult decision when they detected a Zeon supply ship. Despite being civilians thrust into military service, they had to vote on whether to attack the vessel to prevent Char’s forces from resupplying and continuing their pursuit.
4”Escape from Luna II"
"Runa Tsū Dasshutsu Sakusen” (ルナツー脱出作戦)
28 April 197926 July 2001
The White Base arrived at Luna II, a Federation asteroid base, only to have its crew arrested for allowing civilians to operate military equipment. Lieutenant Matilda Ajan helped them escape when Char’s forces attacked the base.
5”Re-Entry to Earth"
"Taikiken Totsunyū” (大気圏突入)
5 May 197927 July 2001
Bright Noa received orders to take the White Base to Earth, but first had to break through Char’s forces guarding the atmospheric entry point. The crew faced their first major challenge of navigating re-entry while under enemy fire.
6”Garma Strikes"
"Garuma Shutsugeki Su” (ガルマ出撃す)
12 May 197930 July 2001
Char manipulated his friend Garma Zabi into attacking White Base in North America. Garma sought to impress both his sister Kycilia Zabi and Char by capturing or destroying the Federation vessel.
7”The Core Fighter’s Escape"
"Koa Faitā Dasshutsu Seyo” (コアファイター脱出せよ)
18 May 197931 July 2001
Amuro attempted to contact Federation forces by flying the FF-X7 Core Fighter back into space, demonstrating the versatility of the Core Block System. His mission revealed the isolation of the White Base crew.
8”Winds of War"
"Senjō wa Kōya” (戦場は荒野)
26 May 19791 August 2001
A temporary ceasefire was called when refugees aboard White Base decided to leave the ship. The brief peace highlighted the human cost of the ongoing One Year War.
9”Fly! Gundam"
"Tobe! Gandamu” (翔べ!ガンダム)
2 June 19792 August 2001
Amuro struggled with his reluctance to pilot the Gundam while Garma prepared to personally lead an attack on White Base. His crisis of confidence threatened the safety of the entire crew.
10”Garma’s Fate"
"Garuma Chiru” (ガルマ散る)
9 June 19793 August 2001
Char revealed his true colours by deliberately giving Garma incorrect intelligence, leading to his death. This pivotal betrayal exposed Char’s deeper motivations against the Zabi family.
11”Icelina - Love’s Remains"
"Iserina, Koi no Ato” (イセリナ,恋のあと)
16 June 19796 August 2001
Icelina Esconbach, Garma’s lover, ordered a Zeon officer to lead a special mission to destroy White Base in revenge. Her tragic attempt at vengeance highlighted the personal costs of war.
12”The Threat of Zeon"
"Jion no Kyōi” (ジオンの脅威)
23 June 19797 August 2001
Gihren Zabi used his brother Garma’s death as propaganda to rally the Zeon cause. Meanwhile, Ramba Ral and his MS-07B Gouf mobile suit began pursuing White Base.
13”Coming Home"
"Saikai, Haha yo” (再会,母よ)
30 June 19798 August 2001
Amuro reunited with his mother Kamaria Ray when the crew stopped near his birthplace. The emotional reunion revealed the strain that military service had placed on the young pilot’s relationship with his family.
14”Time, Be Still"
"Jikan yo, Tomare” (時間よ,とまれ)
6 July 19799 August 2001
A Zeon squadron on hovering bikes planted time bombs on the Gundam. Amuro raced against time to remove the explosives while protecting both the mobile suit and his comrades.
15”Cucuruz Doan’s Island"
"Kukurusu Doan no Shima” (ククルス·ドアンの島)
14 July 1979Not aired
Amuro investigated a distress signal from a Pacific island, where he encountered Cucuruz Doan, a former Zeon soldier caring for war orphans. This episode was not broadcast in North America at director Tomino’s request.
16”Sayla’s Agony"
"Seira Shutsugeki” (セイラ出撃)
21 July 197910 August 2001
Sayla Mass took the Gundam without authorisation to investigate whether Char was her long-lost brother. Her personal quest jeopardised both the mission and the White Base’s safety.
17”Amuro Deserts"
"Amuro Dassō” (アムロ脱走)
28 July 197913 August 2001
After a tactical error nearly led to defeat, Bright relieved Amuro as the Gundam’s pilot. Frustrated and feeling unappreciated, Amuro deserted with the Gundam.
18”Zeon’s Secret Mine"
"Shakunetsu no Azzamu Rīdā” (灼熱のアッザム·リーダー)
4 August 197914 August 2001
While White Base searched for him, Amuro discovered and attacked a mine supplying iron ore to Zeon’s war industry. His independent action demonstrated both his growing tactical awareness and continued recklessness.
19”Ramba Ral’s Attack"
"Ranba Raru Tokkō!” (ランバ·ラル特攻!)
11 August 197915 August 2001
Ramba Ral launched an attack on White Base with his Gouf mobile suit squadron. Amuro returned just in time to defend the ship, marking the beginning of a rivalry with the seasoned Zeon commander.
20”Hand-to-Hand Combat"
"Shitō! Howaito Bēsu” (死闘!ホワイト·ベース)
18 August 197916 August 2001
Ramba Ral and his soldiers infiltrated White Base, leading to intense close-quarters combat inside the ship. The crew faced their first direct encounter with enemy forces within their own vessel.
21”Sorrow and Hatred"
"Gekitō wa Nikushimi Fukaku” (激闘は憎しみ深く)
25 August 197917 August 2001
Crowley Hamon led a final suicide attack against White Base with the remnants of Ramba Ral’s forces. Her desperate assault demonstrated the depth of loyalty and vengeance among Zeon’s soldiers.
22”The Trap of M’Quve"
"Ma Kube Hōimō o Yabure!” (マ·クベ包囲網を破れ!)
1 September 197920 August 2001
As Operation Odessa approached, M’Quve set a trap for White Base while Bright was incapacitated. The crew struggled to maintain their effectiveness without their captain’s leadership.
23”Matilda’s Rescue"
"Machiruda Kyūshutsu Sakusen” (マチルダ救出作戦)
8 September 197921 August 2001
Matilda Ajan’s supply corps came under attack from Zeon Goufs while delivering Gundam upgrade modules and supplies to White Base. Her mission highlighted the vital importance of Federation supply lines.
24”Black Tri-Star"
"Hakugeki! Toripuru Domu” (迫撃!トリプル·ドム)
15 September 197922 August 2001
Acting on intelligence from a Federation mole, Zeon deployed the elite Black Tri-Stars to destroy White Base and its prototype mobile suits. Their coordinated attack tactics proved a serious challenge for Amuro.
25”The Battle of Odessa"
"Odessa no Gekisen” (オデッサの激戦)
22 September 197923 August 2001
Amuro uncovered the Federation mole and prevented a nuclear attack while engaging the remaining Black Tri-Stars. The battle marked a turning point in the Federation’s campaign to reclaim Earth from Zeon forces.
26”Char Returns"
"Fukkatsu no Shaa” (復活のシャア)
29 September 197924 August 2001
Char returned to command new Zeon amphibious mobile suits in an attack on White Base while it was docked at Belfast. His tactical innovations with the new units demonstrated his growing threat to the Federation.
27”A Spy on Board"
"Onna Supai Sennyū!” (女スパイ潜入!)
6 October 197927 August 2001
Kai Shiden befriended local girl Miharu Ratokie while Char prepared another amphibious assault on Belfast. The relationship between Kai and Miharu complicated the crew’s ability to defend against Zeon attacks.
28”Across the Atlantic Ocean"
"Taiseiyō, Chi ni Somete” (大西洋,血に染めて)
13 October 197928 August 2001
Using intelligence from Miharu, Flanagan Boone and his Mad Angler squadron ambushed White Base as it headed for the Federation headquarters at Jaburo. The betrayal forced the crew to confront the human cost of their mission.
29”Tragedy in Jaburo"
"Jaburō ni Chiru!” (ジャブローに散る!)
20 October 197929 August 2001
White Base finally reached Jaburo just as Zeon launched a massive invasion led by Char in his custom MSM-07 Z’Gok. The assault threatened the heart of the Federation’s military command structure.
30”A Wish of War Orphans"
"Chiisana Bōeisen” (小さな防衛線)
27 October 197930 August 2001
Char infiltrated Jaburo with MSM-04 Acguy mobile suits and planted bombs on the Federation’s new mass-produced RGM-79 GMs. The children Katz, Kikka, and Letz discovered his operation and raised the alarm.
31”A Decoy in Space"
"Zanjibaru, Tsuigeki!” (ザンジバル,追撃!)
3 November 197931 August 2001
The Gundam engaged Char’s Zanzibar-class cruiser and the mobile armour MA-05 Bigro in low Earth orbit. The battle demonstrated the increasing sophistication of Zeon’s space warfare tactics.
"Kyōkō Toppa Sakusen” (強行突破作戦)
10 November 19793 September 2001
A task force of Musai-class cruisers and MS-09R Rick Dom units led by Dren attempted to prevent White Base from reaching the neutral colony Side 6. The battle tested the crew’s resolve to maintain their heading despite heavy opposition.
33”Farewell in Side 6"
"Konsukon Kyōshū” (コンスコン強襲)
17 November 19794 September 2001
Needing repairs, White Base came under attack outside the neutral Side 6 by Captain Coskon’s fleet. The assault threatened to draw the neutral colony into the conflict.
34”A Fateful Encounter"
"Shukumei no Deai” (宿命の出会い)
24 November 19795 September 2001
Inside Side 6, Amuro met Lalah Sune, a mysterious woman who would change his life. Tensions escalated when Char’s Zanzibar-class cruiser docked near White Base, forcing both sides to maintain an uneasy peace in neutral territory.
35”The Glory of Solomon"
"Soromon Kōryakusen” (ソロモン攻略戦)
1 December 19796 September 2001
The Federation launched a massive assault on Zeon’s space fortress Solomon. The battle marked the Federation’s first major offensive against Zeon’s space territories.
36”Big Zam’s Last Stand"
"Kyōfu! Kidō Bigu Zamu” (恐怖!機動ビグ·ザム)
8 December 19797 September 2001
Dozle Zabi piloted the massive MA-08 Big Zam mobile armour, inflicting heavy losses on Federation forces at Solomon. Amuro and Sleggar Law devised a strategy to counter the powerful new weapon.
37”The Duel in Texas"
"Tekisasu no Kōbō” (テキサスの攻防)
15 December 197910 September 2001
Amuro’s Gundam faced off against M’Quve’s YMS-15 Gyan in the abandoned Texas colony while Char and Lalah observed the duel. The battle showcased the growing rivalry between Federation and Zeon’s ace pilots.
38”Char and Sayla"
"Saikai, Shaa to Seira” (再会、シャアとセイラ)
22 December 19799 April 2002
Char piloted his new MS-14S Gelgoog against the Gundam while White Base entered Texas colony. Sayla and Job John searched for Amuro, leading to a confrontation that revealed the truth about Char and Sayla’s relationship.
39”The Newtype: Challia Bull"
"Nyū Taipu, Sharia Buru” (ニュータイプ、シャリア·ブル)
29 December 197912 September 2001
Gihren deployed the Newtype pilot Challia Bull in the new MAN-03 Braw Bro mobile armour. Meanwhile, Amuro’s own Newtype abilities grew stronger as he sensed Lalah’s presence.
40”Lalah’s Dilemma"
"Erumesu no Rarā” (エルメスのララ)
5 January 19802 June 2002
The Gundam received crucial upgrades as Lalah entered combat in her MAN-08 Elmeth. Amuro and Lalah’s paths crossed again, this time as adversaries, testing their growing connection as Newtypes.
41”A Cosmic Glow"
"Hikaru Uchū” (光る宇宙)
12 January 19802 June 2002
Amuro and Lalah engaged in their second battle, communicating telepathically through their Newtype abilities. Meanwhile, Gihren inspected the construction of the Solar Ray weapon, revealing Zeon’s devastating new strategic capability.
42”Space Fortress: A Baoa Qu"
"Uchū Yōsai A Baoa Kū” (宇宙要塞ア·バオア·クー)
19 January 19802 June 2002
The Federation launched its final assault on Zeon’s fortress A Baoa Qu, despite losing half their fleet to the Solar Ray. Amuro confronted Char and his new MSN-02 Zeong in what would become their decisive battle.
"Dasshutsu” (脱出)
26 January 198031 December 2001
The Battle of A Baoa Qu reached its climax as White Base penetrated deep into enemy territory. Amuro and Char’s final duel intensified while Kycilia Zabi struggled to maintain control of Zeon’s forces, bringing the One Year War to its dramatic conclusion.