
AMX-004 Qubeley

Prototype Newtype-use assault mobile suit developed by Axis Zeon.
Jenxi Seow Published 30 Mar 2013 Updated 13 Feb 2025
AMX-004 Qubeley

The AMX-004 Qubeley was a prototype Newtype-use assault mobile suit developed by Axis Zeon and piloted by Haman Karn.

The “AMX” in the type code referred to it being an Axis Zeon mobile weapon. The code number “004” indicated it was the fourth mobile weapon design.


The design of the Qubeley originated from the Principality of Zeon’s AMX-001 Prototype Qubeley, which was developed during the One Year War based on data from the MAN-08 Elmeth. When Zeon engineers fled to Axis after the war, they brought the prototype’s blueprints with them. The Axis engineers refined the design using data from the MS-09R4 Psycommu Rick Dom “Schnee Weiss” to create the AMX-004 Qubeley.

Haman Karn used the Qubeley as her personal mobile suit during the Gryps Conflict. Despite facing newer and more advanced mobile suits, her Newtype abilities allowed her to fully exploit the Qubeley’s capabilities. She notably outfought AEUG ace pilot Quattro Bajeena in his MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki.

The Qubeley continued to serve as Haman’s mobile suit through the First Neo Zeon War. Near the war’s end, she engaged in a fierce duel with Judau Ashta piloting the MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam. After both mobile suits were disabled, Haman chose to commit suicide by crashing the Qubeley into an asteroid rather than accept defeat.

The Qubeley’s design later served as the basis for the AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mk-II and the mass-produced AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type.


The Qubeley represented a significant advancement in mobile suit technology, particularly in its integration of Newtype-use systems. It was one of the first Zeon mobile suits to feature dual optical sensors instead of the traditional mono-eye design. The mobile suit had a panoramic monitor with linear seat in its cockpit located in its torso.

A key innovation was its miniaturized psycommu system, which allowed the mobile suit to be significantly smaller than its predecessor. Four independently movable wing binders mounted on its shoulders enhanced its mobility through AMBAC (Active Mass Balance Auto Control). The main thrusters were mounted under these binders rather than on the back to accommodate the tail binder.

The mobile suit had a pair of rocket thrusters with a combined output of 61,600 kg, along with twelve vernier thrusters and apogee motors distributed throughout its frame. Many of these were built into the wing binders and tail binder to assist in AMBAC maneuvers.


The Qubeley’s standard weapons were beam gun/sabers for ranged and melee combat, and funnels for long-range attacks. It also had large beam sabers stored in its shoulder binders for close combat.

Beam gun/saber

The Qubeley carried two hybrid beam gun/sabers mounted in its forearms. In beam gun mode, they remained mounted and drew power directly from the mobile suit’s Minovsky reactor. The concentrated beam could penetrate most mobile suit armor.

When removed from the forearms, they functioned as beam sabers. These used an I-field to contain Minovsky particles in the shape of a blade that could cut through almost any material. The sabers were powered by E-caps that recharged when stored in the forearms.


Ten funnels were stored in the Qubeley’s tail binder. These remote weapons were smaller, more economical versions of the Elmeth’s bits. Unlike the bits which had their own reactors, the funnels were powered by E-caps and needed to return to the tail binder for recharging.

Each funnel mounted a beam gun rated at 1.3 megawatts and was equipped with a main thruster and eight vernier thrusters for mobility. The psycommu system allowed Newtype pilots to control the funnels with their thoughts, enabling attacks from multiple angles simultaneously.

Large beam saber

A pair of large beam sabers were stored in the shoulder binders. These emitted longer and more powerful beam blades compared to standard beam sabers. Their extended hilts allowed for two-handed use.

Known pilots

  • Haman Karn
  • Rita Sue
  • Lapis Zarth
  • Nao Mochizuki

Behind the scenes

Nagano Mamoru was the original mechanical designer.

The name Qubeley likely derives from Cybele, a Greek goddess associated with mountains, fortresses, nature and wild animals. The engraving “2LMES” on the mobile suit’s back near the left wing binder references it being the second generation of the Elmeth design, as “LMES” is pronounced similar to “Elmeth” in Japanese.

In Gundam Battle Assault 2, the Qubeley was only playable using a Gameshark device.





  • Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Side Story: Mirage of Zeon


  • Gundam Battle Assault 2
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  • Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
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