MSR-00100S Hyaku-Shiki Kai
Prototype attack mobile suit developed by Anaheim Electronics for the AEUG.
The MSR-00100S Hyaku-Shiki Kai was a prototype attack mobile suit developed by Anaheim Electronics for the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG). The “MSR” in the model code indicated that it was a mobile suit revival of the MSN-00100 Hyaku-Shiki design.
The “MS” in the type code indicated that it was a mobile suit, while the “R” designated it as a unit reconstructed from the MSN-00100. The “S” suffix denoted it as a modified version. The name “Hyaku-Shiki” expressed hope for the next century of mobile suit development.
During the Gryps Conflict, Anaheim Electronics developed the MSR-00100S Hyaku-Shiki Kai as an improved variant of the MSN-00100 Hyaku-Shiki. The design served as a testbed for further mobile suit development.
One unit was assigned to the Londo Bell flagship Nahel Argama in UC 0090. The success of the design led to the development of several variants, including a mass production version.
The Hyaku-Shiki Kai featured significant improvements over the base Hyaku-Shiki design. Engineers enhanced its mobility by modifying the wing binders and installing more powerful thrusters that provided 78,500 kg of total thrust. Twelve vernier thrusters allowed for precise maneuvering in space combat.
The mobile suit used Gundarium γ alloy armor and retained the distinctive gold anti-beam coating of its predecessor. While visually striking, the coating provided only marginally better protection against beam weapons compared to standard anti-beam coatings.
The cockpit used a panoramic monitor system with linear seat configuration, housed in the torso. Its sensor range of 11,500 meters exceeded that of contemporary mobile suits.
The Hyaku-Shiki Kai’s standard weapons were beam sabers for melee combat and various fixed weapons for ranged attacks. It could also equip optional handheld weapons for increased firepower.
Beam sabers
The Hyaku-Shiki Kai carried two beam sabers stored in recharge racks on the rear waist armor. The beam sabers used an I-field to contain Minovsky particles within the shape of a blade.
Minovsky particles were channeled into the sabers through an energy capacitor (E-cap) attached to their hilts. The E-cap recharged with Minovsky particles from the mobile suit’s reactor when stored in the recharge racks.
Gatling gun pod
A Gatling gun pod mounted on the right shoulder provided rapid-fire capability against enemy mobile suits. The high rate of fire made it effective for suppression and anti-aircraft roles.
Beam gun pod
The left shoulder mounted a beam gun pod that drew power directly from the mobile suit’s reactor. This provided consistent beam firepower without requiring separate E-caps.
Pulse laser guns
Two pulse laser guns built into the forearms fired concentrated energy bolts. While less powerful than standard beam weapons, their rapid-fire capability made them effective for close-range defense.
Grenade launchers
The Hyaku-Shiki Kai featured two grenade launchers built into the forearms, loaded with rocket-propelled grenades for area suppression and anti-mobile suit combat.
Beam rifle
The mobile suit could equip a beam rifle as its primary ranged weapon. This standard-issue weapon provided accurate long-range beam firepower.
Known pilots
- Quattro Bajeena
- FA-100S Full Armor Hyaku-Shiki Kai
- MSK-100S Land Combat Hyaku-Shiki Kai
- MSR-00100S Hyaku-Shiki Kai Mass Production Type
Behind the scenes
Fujita Kazumi was the original mechanical designer.
- Zeta Gundam Mobile Suit Variations
- Char’s Return
External links
- MSR-00100S Hyaku-Shiki Kai on the Gundam Wiki
- MSR-00100S Hyaku-Shiki Kai on MAHQ