
YMS-06Z Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku

Prototype Newtype-use mobile suit produced by the Principality of Zeon.
Jenxi Seow Published 12 Feb 2021 Updated 13 Feb 2025
YMS-06Z Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku

The YMS-06Z Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku was a prototype Newtype-use mobile suit produced by the Principality of Zeon.

The “Y” in the model code referred to it being an experimental mobile suit. The “MS” meant it was a mobile suit. The “06” indicated it was part of the sixth mobile suit line produced by Zeon, the MS-06 Zaku II line. The “Z” denoted it was a variant designed to test the psycommu system.


During the One Year War, researchers at the Flanagan Institute discovered that Newtypes emitted powerful thought waves. The invention of the psycommu system to tap these thought waves to control computers unlocked new frontiers in science and technology.

The Principality of Zeon command wanted to implement the technology in mobile suit warfare to give their Newtype pilots the upper hand in the War. The Bishop Plan was a development programme with the goal of producing mobile suits equipped with psycommu system. Zeon engineers first tested adding the psycommu system to the MS-06 Zaku II frame to create the YMS-06Z Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku.

Following the success of the unit, they modified three MS-06F Zaku II units into the MS-06Z Bishop for further field tests.


The Principality of Zeon embarked on the Bishop Plan to create psycommu-equipped mobile suits for Newtype-use. Using the successful MS-06 Zaku II frame as the foundation for the experimental unit, Zeon engineers developed the YMS-06Z Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku by incorporating the psycommu system in the mobile suit for Newtype use.

A Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor powered the mobile suit. Like the Zeon mobile suits of its time, it had super hard steel alloy armor.

Since it used a Zaku frame, the Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku had a standard cockpit with linear seat in its torso. It had a set of custom sensors that boosted its detection range through the psycommu system.


The Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku was equipped with fixed ranged weapons and used its hands for melee combat.

Mega particle cannons

The Psycommu Early Test Type Zaku had a mega particle cannon module attached to the back of each shoulder. They could detach from the mobile suit and operate remotely. These had thick wires to control them while they were separated from the mobile suit.

Known pilots

  • Marion Whelch

Behind the scenes

Okawara Kunio was the original mechanical designer.


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