

Reconnaissance submarine produced by the Principality of Zeon.
Jenxi Seow Published 15 Sept 2016 Updated 11 Feb 2025

The Prober-class was a reconnaissance submarine produced by the Principality of Zeon during the One Year War.


The Principality of Zeon developed and deployed the Prober-class submarines in UC 0079 for intelligence gathering operations. They constructed fifty-six vessels throughout the One Year War.

A notable deployment occurred when a Prober-class vessel operated outside Belfast harbour to relay intelligence from Zeon spy Miharu Ratokie, who was monitoring the assault carrier White Base.


The Prober-class was designed for extended underwater surveillance operations. It featured a distinctive disc-shaped hull configuration with radomes at both bow and stern, connected by a central hull section with a sail tower.

The submarine used exterior-mounted engines that protruded from both sides of the central hull. Rather than traditional optical periscopes, it employed fibre-optic connected camera buoys for surface observation.

The vessel’s design emphasised stealth capabilities, allowing it to remain submerged for extended periods while gathering intelligence. Its advanced sensor and communications equipment enabled effective monitoring of Earth Federation naval movements and communications.


The Prober-class carried no offensive armaments, as it was designed purely for reconnaissance missions.

Behind the scenes

Tomino Yoshiyuki was the original mechanical designer, with Okawara Kunio later refining the design for the anime series. Ohtagaki Yasuo created a new interpretation of the design for the Gundam Thunderbolt manga.
