The MSK-008 Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) was a prototype space assault mobile suit modified from the MSK-008 Dijeh by Neo Zeon. The “MSK” in the model code stands for mobile suit of Karaba. The “008” in the model code indicates that it was the eigthth mobile weapon designed by Karaba.
Neo Zeon modified a Karaba MSK-008 Dijeh for their leader Char Aznable. The MSK-008 Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) was a testbed for the prototype Psycoframe cockpit, among other technology Neo Zeon engineers were developing. The Dijeh was originally a ground use mobile suit, but the Zeon enginners modified Char’s custom unit for space use.
Char tested the prototype himself as he was a veteran pilot with well-developed Newtype abilities. As such, the Neo Zeon engineers customised the Dijeh to suit his preferences and abilities.
The mobile suit served on board the Rewloola-class battleship Rewloola. Arlette Almage was the mechanic assigned to the maintenance of Char’s Dijeh. Char sortied in the Dijeh against former members of Zeon’s elite Chimera Corps, displaying its superior performance despite engaging the veteran ace pilots.

Karaba developed the MSK-008 Dijeh based on the AEUG mobile suit RMS-099 (MSA-099) Rick Dias. The design teams for both mobile suit were former Principality of Zeon mobile suit engineers, hence they incorporated many Zeon-style features.
Neo Zeon obtained the Dijeh unit from Karaba to test the prototype Psycoframe cockpit they were developing for their Newtype pilots. The Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) had custom features to suit Char’s piloting abilities and combat preferences. It also featured Char’s trademark two-toned red paint scheme.
The Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) was built with Gundarium alloy. It was a reproduction of the Luna Titanium alloy used by RX-78-2 Gundam that Zeon developed on Axis by Anaheim Electronics.
The Dijeh’s Psycoframe cockpit had a linear seat and was located in its head. The Psycoframe was a new technology that allowed the Psycommu sysem to be fitted in smaller mobile suit frames. Traditional Psycommu systems that required large subsystems that meant the use of large mobile armour platforms, such as the MSN-02 Zeong.
Like the original Dijeh, the Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) had a blade antenna on its head. However, since it did not have radiator fins like the Dijeh, it had a pair of radio receivers on the back of its head instead.

Gyre Binders
The Dijeh had large radiator fins on its back to improve its atmospheric flight. However, since the Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) was for space use, Zeon engineers replaced the fins with a pair of Gyre Binders used by the RMS-099B Schuzrum Dias.
The binders had vector thrusters that boosted its speed. They had additional vernier thruster and apogee motors, making the Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) more agile and manoeuvrable.

The MSK-008 Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) had beam pistols and beam cannons as standard weapons. It could also optionally equip a beam machine gun.
60 mm vulcan guns
A pair of fire-linked 60 mm gatling vulcan guns were mounted on either sides of the Dijeh’s head.
Each vulcan gun was loaded with 400 rounds of ammunition and fired at a rate of 1,600 rounds per minute. It was used primarily against light-armoured support units. Sustained fire from the guns could damage mobile suits and were often used in close distance combat.

Beam pistols
The Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) had a pair of BP-L-86 beam pistols as its primary weapon. The pistols were designed for the RMS-099 (MSA-099) Rick Dias. These were stored in the mobile suit’s backpack where they could still be fired from their mounts.
The beam pistols drew their rounds from energy capacitors (E-caps), clips of charged Minovsky particles. Minovksy particles broke down matter at a molecular level, allowing the beam pistol bolts to penetrate even the thickest armour. This meant that a single shot could destroy a mobile suit.

Beam machine gun
The Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) could optionally equip a beam machine gun that fired at a higher rate that the beam pistols. The beam machine gun later became the standard weapon for the AMS-119 Geara Doga.
The beam machine gun drew its rounds from energy capacitors (E-caps), clips of charged Minovsky particles. Minovksy particles broke down matter at a molecular level, allowing the beam machine gun bolts to penetrate even the thickest armour. This meant that a single shot could destroy a mobile suit.

The Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) had a shield mounted on each forearm. This allowed Char to coordinate his attack and defence while maintaining freedom for both hands to handle weapons. The shields carried four Sturm Fausts each.
Like the beam machine gun, the AMS-119 Geara Doga used the shield as a standard equipment.

Sturm Faust
The Mk VIII Strum Faust was a rocket-propelled grenade that was used for anti-ship and anti-mobile suit attacks. The Dijeh (Char Aznable Custom) had eight of these stored in its shields.

Known pilots
Behind the scenes
Kunio Okawara was the original mechanical designer.