
MSA-005X-2 Methuss X-2

Prototype transformable mobile suit developed by Anaheim Electronics for AEUG.
Jenxi Seow Published 5 Jan 2019 Updated 13 Feb 2025
MSA-005X-2 Methuss X-2

The MSA-005X-2 Methuss X-2 was a prototype transformable mobile suit developed by Anaheim Electronics for the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG).

The “MS” in the type code stood for mobile suit and “A” meant it was an Anaheim design. The “005” code number meant it was the fifth design. The “X” variant code indicated it as an experimental design, and the block number “2” designated it as the second unit of the line.


Anaheim Electronics embarked on Project Zeta to develop next generation mobile suits for the Anti-Earth Union Group. The MSA-005X-2 Methuss X-2 emerged as one of the early prototype units from Project Methuss. Both the Methuss X-2 and its predecessor MSA-005X-1 Methuss X-1 eventually led to the development of the MSA-005 Methuss, the first combat-ready mobile suit from Project Methuss.

Several design team members previously worked for MIP, which designed weapons for the Principality of Zeon during the One Year War. The team developed the Methuss X-2 at the Granada base.

Unlike the Methuss X-1’s focus on air superiority in a 1G environment, the team developed the Methuss X-2 for operation in both space and gravity conditions.


Project Methuss was one of several development paths under Anaheim Electronics’ Project Zeta, commissioned by AEUG to develop transformable mobile suits. The Methuss X-2 was its second prototype.

The Earth Federation’s ORX-005 Gaplant influenced the Methuss X-2’s design, particularly in its ability to mount large boosters.

The Methuss X-2 featured thinner armor to accommodate the large mega particle cannons. This weight reduction, combined with the lack of proper melee weapons, made it vulnerable in close combat.

It used Gundarium alloy alloy armor, Anaheim Electronics’ reproduction of the Luna Titanium alloy alloy used by the RX-78-2 Gundam that Zeon developed on Axis.

The mobile suit’s main propulsion came from rocket thrusters with a combined output of 90,000 kg — significantly less than the Methuss X-1’s 98,000 kg output, which had led to its disintegration during transformation at subsonic speed under gravity. Twelve sets of vernier thrusters and apogee motors provided fine control. Optional boosters could be mounted for additional thrust.

The Methuss X-2 featured a standard panoramic cockpit with linear seat in its torso.


The Methuss X-2’s standard weapons were beam sabers for melee combat and large mega particle cannons for ranged attacks.

Beam sabers

The Methuss X-2 carried two beam sabers mounted on its knees, each rated at 0.5 megawatts output. These fixed positions made them unwieldy and required pilots to adapt to an unusual combat style.

The beam sabers used an I-field to contain Minovsky particles within the shape of a blade. Minovsky particles were channeled directly from the Methuss X-2’s reactor, allowing the blade to cut through almost any material.

Large mega particle cannons

A pair of large mega particle cannons mounted on the back served as the primary ranged weapons. In mobile armor mode, these cannons positioned parallel beneath the nose.

The cannons drew power directly from the Methuss X-2’s Minovsky reactor. The Minovsky particle beams could break down matter at a molecular level, penetrating even the thickest armor and potentially destroying mobile suits or piercing battleship hulls with a single shot.

Behind the scenes

Oku Masanobu was the original mechanical designer.



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