
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked

(Commander Type) Commander type heavy mobile suit produced by Anaheim Electronics.
Jenxi Seow Published 21 Jun 2021 Updated 9 Jan 2025
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked

The Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) was a commander-use heavy mobile suit produced by Anaheim Electronics for the anti-Earth Federation military group Mafty.

The “Me” in the type code means it was a Messer design and the “02” indicated it was the second design. It is unknown what the R stands for The “F” in the variant code stands for Type-F, and the “c” identified it as the Commander Type.


Anti-Earth Federation group Mafty tasked Anaheim Electronics with the creation of a new mobile suit design that hold its own against mobile suits used by the Federation. Anaheim Electronics developed the Me02R-F01 Messer Type-F-01 from the AMS-119 Geara Doga and MSN-04 Sazabi. It was then developed into the Me02R-F02 Messer Type-F-02 and Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type).

The Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) was designed for Mafty Navue Erin with improved communications to allow him to coordinate his subordinates. Mafty assigned the mobile suit to Emeralda Zubin in April UC 105 for the mission to rendezvous with the Cargo Pisa. To improve manoeuvrability required for the mission, it equipped less armor.

Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) front view
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) front view
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) rear view
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) rear view


Anaheim Electronics developed the Me02R-F01 Messer Type-F-01 from Neo Zeon mobile suits AMS-119 Geara Doga and MSN-04 Sazabi. Thus, the Me02R-F02 Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) also featured the typical Zeon design elements the Messer Type-F-01 had, such as a mono-eye, a more rounded silhouette and a spiked shoulder armor.

The Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) had thick Gundarium alloy alloy armor that provided heavy protection while remaining relatively lightweight. As it name implies, it has less armor unlike the other Messer Type-F models. It did not have armor plates on its legs and the spiked shoulder amour.

It was powered by the same ultracompact Minovsky power plant used by the other Messer Type-F models that generated an output of 3,340 kW.

The mobile suit had an array of rocket thrusters that generated 56,000 kg of thrust, compared to the 80,000 kg that the Messer Type-F-01 and F-02 had.

The Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) had a standard cockpit in its torso with a panoramic monitor and linear seat. Its standard sensors gave it a detection range of up to 19,300 metres. Unlike the other Messer Type-F models, it had a blade antenna on its head to improve communications.

Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) hatch
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) hatch
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) controls
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) controls
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) cockpit
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) cockpit


The Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type)‘s standard weapons were two beam sabers for melee combat and a long beam rifle for ranged attacks.

Long beam rifle

The Long Beam Rifle was the Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type)‘s primary weapon. It had a long barrel and an optical sight to assist the pilot in long-range sniping.

The rifle drew its rounds from energy packs (E-packs), clips of charged Minovsky particles. Minovksy particles broke down matter at a molecular level, allowing the beam rifle bolts to penetrate even the thickest armor. This meant that a single shot could destroy a mobile suit. These E-packs were used by the RGM-89 Jegan Type-A and other modern mobile suits.

The pilot could also choose to mount two E-packs under the barrel.

Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) beam rifle
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) beam rifle

Vulcan guns

Three pairs of fire-linked gatling vulcan guns were mounted on either sides of the Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type)‘s head.

The six vulcan guns were used primarily against light-armored support units. Sustained fire from the guns could damage mobile suits and were often used in close distance combat. They also served as missile defence.

Beam sabers

The Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) carried two beam sabers for melee combat. These were the same as the ones used by the RGM-89 Jegan Type-A. They were docked in the recharge racks when not in use.

The beam sabers used an I-field to contain Minovsky particles within the shape of a blade. Minovsky particles broke down matter at a molecular level. This meant that the beam saber could cut through almost any material.

Minovsky particles were channelled into the saber through an E-cap attached to its hilt. The E-cap recharged with Minvosky particles from the mobile suit’s reactor when the saber was stored in the recharge dock.


The mobile suit mounted a large shield on its left arm for defence. It was able to withstand high-powered beam attacks. The shield also functioned as a weapon rack, allowing the pilot to store spare E-packs for the beam rifle and beam sabers.

Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) shield
Me02R-Fc Messer Type-F Naked (Commander Type) shield

Known pilots

  • Emeralda Zubin
  • Mafty Navue Erin

Behind the scenes

Katoki Hajime and Nakatani Seiichi were the original mechanical designers.

The name Messer comes from the German word meaning dagger.


Bandai made the P-Bandai 1/144 HGUC Messer Type-F02 (Commander Type) available for pre-orders in September 2021.

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  • Gundam Hathaway