SRf-06 Dahle

By Jenxi Seow



SRf-06 Dahle
SRf-06 Dahle

SRf-06 Dahle

The “S” in the model code indicated that it was built by the South Seas Alliance. The “Rf” denoted it being a reconstructed frame. The “06” refers to its use of the MS-06 Zaku II frame.

Production overview

Model number: SRf-06

Code name: Dahle

Type: General purpose mobile suit

Completed: UC 0080

First deployment: UC 0080

Manufacturer: South Seas Alliance

Operator: South Seas Alliance

Developed from:

Developed into: None

Variants: None

General characteristics

Crew: Pilot only

Cockpit: Standard cockpit in torso

Head height: Unknown

Total height: Unknown

Empty weight: Unknown

Gross weight: Unknown

Armour: Unknown

Sensors: Standard

Sensor range: Unknown


Power plant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor

Power output: Unknown

Propulsion: Rocket thrusters: total output unknown

Max speed: Unknown

180° turn time: Unknown

Thrust-to-weight ratio: Unknown



  • 1 x shield


  • 1 x 120mm machine gun
  • 1 x Heat Hawk Type 5
  • 1 x 280 mm Zaku bazooka


Due to its limited funding and resources, the South Seas Alliance assembled its mobile weapons by using salvaged and refitted mobile suits from both the Earth Federation and Principality of Zeon.

The SRf-06 Dahle was part of the Alliance’s defence forces that fended off a Zeon skirmish team in August UC 0080. It deployed both ground and water types against the Zeon’s MSM-04 Acguy team.


The SRf-06 Dahle was a design the Alliance created using salvage parts from the RGM-79 GM and MS-06F Zaku II.

The Dahle had a standard cockpit in its torso. It could mount a floatation gear to engage on water surface.


The Dahle used standard weapons designed for the Zaku II, including a ranged weapon and a Heat Hawk for melee combat. It usually deployed with a 120 mm machine gun or a 280 mm bazooka.

ZMP-50D 120 mm machine gun
ZMP-50D 120 mm machine gun

120 mm machine gun

The ZMP-50D machine gun was developed specifically for the Zaku II line. It was drum-fed with 100 rounds per drum. It did not require power to be fired. However, that reduced its effectiveness against heavy armour.

Heat Hawk

Heat Hawk Type 5
Heat Hawk Type 5

The Heat Hawk Type 5 was a melee weapon designed for the Zaku II. It was an axe with a super-heated metal blade that could melt armour as it cut. The thermal energy was generated by the Dahle’s fusion reactor and relayed through its hands to the Heat Hawk.

It was mainly used in close combat or against enemy ships. The Heat Hawk was clasped on the rear armour when not in use.


The Dahle had a shield mounted on its left arm. While the shield provided defence against conventional melee weapons and projectile weapons, it was unable to withstand beam weaponry.

280 mm Zaku bazooka

H&L-SB25K/280 mm A-P Zaku Bazooka
H&L-SB25K/280 mm A-P Zaku Bazooka

The 280 mm Zaku bazooka was designed for the Zaku II. It could only take one front-loaded round each time. Due to the method of reloading and the low ammunitions capacity, the pilot had to be very tactful in using it. A magazine of four rounds was stored on the side hip armour.

The bazooka was clasped on the rear waist armour when not in use.

Behind the scenes

The Dahle is known as the RRf-06 Zanny in the Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt manga. The Zanny is described as an Earth Federation development as part of its MS program.

RRf-06 Zanny from Thunderbolt


