
AMX-007 Gaza-E

Limited production transformable mobile suit produced by Axis Zeon.
Jenxi Seow Published 13 Feb 2024 Updated 13 Feb 2025
AMX-007 Gaza-E

The AMX-007 Gaza-E was a limited production transformable mobile suit produced by Axis Zeon in UC 0088. It was developed from the AMX-003 Gaza-C.

The “AMX” in the model code indicated it was developed by Axis Zeon, while “007” denoted it was the seventh mobile suit design in the series. It was initially designated as MMT-3, where the “MM” in the type code stood for mass production mobile weapon and the “T” meant it was transformable. The code number “3” denoted it as the third of the design line.


After completing the AMX-003 Gaza-C, Axis Zeon began developing new machines with higher performance and more specialised capabilities. The Gaza-E was developed alongside the AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn.

Due to its high cost, which was twice that of a Gaza-C, Axis Zeon produced the Gaza-E in limited numbers. A handful of these machines were deployed by the space battleship Gwaley to protect the New Desides as they escaped from Ayers City on 28 March UC 0088. There were also reports that at least one Gaza-E was present aboard the space battleship Gwadan during the final stages of the Gryps Conflict.


The Gaza-E emphasised cruising performance in mobile armor mode, unlike the AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn which was designed for higher fighting strength in mobile suit mode. In mobile armor mode, it could even fly in atmosphere while carrying another mobile suit on its back, functioning as a sub-flight system similar to the Base Jabber or Dodai Custom.

The mobile suit had a panoramic monitor cockpit with a linear seat located in its head. Its standard sensors gave it a detection range of up to 11,690 metres.

The Gaza-E had an ultracompact Minovsky power plant that generated an output of 2,280 kW. It had an array of rocket thrusters: two generating 14,290 kg of thrust each and four generating 7,860 kg each, bringing the total thrust to 59,300 kg. It also had seven vernier thrusters.


The Gaza-E’s standard weapons were beam cannons and missile pods mounted on the shoulder binders for ranged attacks, and beam sabers for melee combat.

Beam cannon

A pair of beam cannons rated at 10 MW were mounted on the shoulder binders. These were the Gaza-E’s main weapons and could destroy a mobile suit in one shot or damage a battleship. The beam cannons were usable in both mobile suit and mobile armor modes.

Missile pod

Each shoulder binder contained a 24-tube missile pod.

Beam saber

The Gaza-E carried two beam sabers stored in its shoulder binders. The beam sabers used an I-field to contain Minovsky particles within the shape of a blade. Minovsky particles broke down matter at a molecular level, allowing the beam saber to cut through almost any material.

Minovsky particles were channelled into the sabers through an energy capacitor (E-cap) attached to their hilts. The E-cap recharged with Minvosky particles from the Gaza-E’s reactor when the saber was stored in the recharge rack.


As it was designed to operate mainly in mobile armor mode, the Gaza-E’s only handheld weapon was a bazooka. While powerful, the bazooka had a slow rate of fire and limited ammunition of five rounds.

Behind the scenes

Katoki Hajime was the original mechanical designer.


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