MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type

By Jenxi Seow



MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type

The MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type, also known as the S-type Zaku II, was a high-performance variant of the MS-06F Zaku II that was usually assigned to squadron commanders and ace pilots.


Zeon embarked on an ambitious mobile weapons programme as part of its aggressive militarisation in preparation for war with the Earth Federation.

The Zeonic Company developed the MS-05B Zaku I and improved the design into the MS-06F Zaku II. The Zaku II was so successful that it was used as the basis for a series of variations that were built for specific functions.

Char's MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type

Char’s MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type

The MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type was a variant with improved performance and more advanced weaponry compared to the standard F-type Zaku II. It was assigned to squadron commanders and ace pilots.

Throughout most of the One Year War, the S-type Zaku II was the most powerful mobile weapon fielded. It was only surpassed in July UC 0079 by the Federation’s RX-78-2 Gundam.
Char Aznable, also known as the “Red Comet”, was the most notable S-type Zaku II pilot. His suit had a custom red and maroon paint job. Char famously sank five Magellan-class battleships with his S-type Zaku II single-handedly in the Battle of Loum.

The Zaku II Commander Type was produced in limited quantities and it was eventually succeeded by the MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type.


The MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type was a successful design. Zeon scientists continued to improve it and eventually rolled out the MS-06F Zaku II. It proved to be a very successful design and it was used as the basis for a wide range of variants.

MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type cockpit

MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type cockpit

The MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type was a variant designed for use by commanding officers or accomplished pilots. The most prominent difference from the F-type Zaku II was the presence of an antenna mounted on the head of the S-type Zaku II. The antenna provided increased communications range and capabilities, allowing the commanding officer to give orders to squad members over a longer distance.

The S-type Zaku II had a power plant that generated a larger output than the F-type, increasing its thrust and acceleration by 30%. However, the fuel tanks were not upgraded. This meant that the S-type Zaku II had a shorter operating duration before it had to be refuelled.

After the rectification of the Antarctic Treaty, which banned the use of nuclear weapons, the Zeon scientists removed the radiation shielding liquid that protected the cockpit. This led to a decrease in the weight of the S-type Zaku II and further increased its thrust to weight ratio.


The standard weapons used by the S-type Zaku II were a ranged weapon and a Heat Hawk for melee combat.

120 mm machine gun

The ZMP-50D machine gun was developed specifically for the Zaku II line. It was drum-fed with 100 rounds per drum. It did not require power to be fired. However, that reduced its effectiveness against heavy armour.

ZMP-50D 120 mm machine gun (Mobile Suit Gundam version)

ZMP-50D 120 mm machine gun

280 mm Zaku bazooka

The H&L-SB25K/280 mm A-P(Anti-ship Piercing) zaku bazooka was an artillery armament that fired hull-piercing explosive rounds. It was designed for use against enemy ships.

H&L-SB25K/280 mm A-P Zaku Bazooka

H&L-SB25K/280mm A-P Zaku bazooka

The weapon was derived from the H&L-SB21K/280mm A-N Zaku bazooka. due to the Antarctic Treaty banning the use of nuclear weapons, a non-nuclear version of the bazooka was developed. The bazooka drew ammunitions from a magazine of four rounds. It was clasped on the rear waist armour when not in use.

Heat Hawk Type 5

The Heat Hawk Type 5 was a melee weapon designed for the Zaku II. It was an axe with a super-heated metal blade that could melt armour as it cut. The thermal energy was generated by the Zaku II’s fusion reactor and relayed through it’s hands to the Heat Hawk.

It was mainly used in close combat or against enemy ships. The Heat Hawk was clasped on the rear armour when not in use.

Heat Hawk Type 5

Heat Hawk Type 5

Magella cannon

The ZIM/M·T-K175C Magella cannon was modified from the main gun of the HT-01B Magella Attack tank for use by a mobile weapon. It was primarily used for long-ranged attacks in ground combat. The cannon could use either high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warheads or armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (APFSDS) rounds.

Sturm Faust

The Mk VIII Strum Faust was a rocket-propelled grenade used for anti-ship attacks. during the early days of the war the Sturm Faust likely made a good anti-mobile suit weapon during the latter days has a Zaku could be equipped with both a Sturm Faust and a machine gun giving it greater versatility.

Known pilots

Behind the scenes

Kunio Okawara was the original mechanical designer.
